Friday, April 11, 2008

TGIF 4/11/08 Routes

SHES - Destany was not at stop. Good route. AAS 7:12, had to wait to unload. Head count 32.
BSMS - Good route. Chastidy was not on, Kahlil still not riding and Kayla wasn't on. Head count 53. AAS 8:12am. Unloaded with Mr. Fussell.
SHES - Brandon said Morgan gave him the finger and Morgan said Brandon gave her the finger, the tape doesn't show it at all, so I am writing both of them up and letting the school decide. Daisha told me that Breanu had candy out on the bus, but I know she wasn't eating it. Keanu was TZ facing the back talking to someone, so I moved her up front and Daisha was hanging out in the aisle so I moved her up front. Head count 39.
BSMS - Brianna Blair had her fingers out the window, in lala land, lol. BreAnna Agan went home with Brianna Blair. The following students were too loud: LaAsia, Dominque was clapping, Antarica was yelling and screaming at Martavious. Head count 46. Turned around at Citgo because hwy 61 was closed across from the sale barn. Went home via Shady Grove.

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